Apart from its regular circulating coinage, Solomon Islands has authorised a number of private mints to issue collector coins in precious metals, which are legal tender in the country but are not intended for general circulation. Many of them are in standard bullion sizes - typically, one ounce of silver (abbreviated as 1 oz Ag, where "Ag" comes from the Latin word for silver, Argentum). These are usually dedicated to historical or general popular culture themes not related to the country itself.
The Mint says about this coin: Faithfully reproducing original artwork by acclaimed, Colorado-based artist Phil Lewis, the three coins of the Spirit Animal series (of which the Grizzly Bear is the first) take inspiration from cultural traditions across the globe that honour animals for their distinctive and motivating qualities, as well as the artist’s own encounters and experiences with these noble beasts. The great Grizzly inspired artist Phil Lewis when he observed firsthand its quickly changing states between unassuming calm and ferocious machine in pursuit of prey or on the defence. Many indigenous cultures revere the Grizzly as a spirit animal for those and other motivating characteristics - quick reflexes, confidence, leadership, and strength against adversity, as well as taking time to rest and heal.
Individually serialised with a mintage of only 2,500 coins. |