Information about Va'aleto'a Sualauvi II

Va'aleto'a Sualauvi II (29 April 1947 - )

Va'aleto'a Sualauvi II is the O le Ao o le Malo (head of state) of Samoa, in office since 2017. He has served as Tuimaleali'ifano since 1977. His other titles are Tui A'ana and Tama'aiga.

Sualauvi is a member of the Taua'ana dynasty.

He is the great-grandson of one of the Mau a Pule leaders, Tuimaleali'ifano Fa'aoloi'i, and nephew of original member of the Council of Deputies, Tuimaleali'ifano Suatipatipa II. He worked as a lawyer and previously was a Samoan Police Chief Inspector and a secondary school teacher. He was a police officer in New Zealand for three years. He also served as a public trustee, barrister and solicitor in the Supreme Court of Samoa. He is an elder deacon and also a lay preacher for the village of Matautu Falelatai and has preached sermons in Australia and New Zealand for the Christian Congregational Church of Samoa. He was a member of the Council of Deputies to the Head of State from 1993 to 2001 and since 2004.

He was sworn in as O le Ao o le Malo on 21 July 2017.

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