Information about currency: Biafran Pound

Biafran Pound (1968 - 1970)
Currency NameBiafran Pound
System1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence

The Biafran pound was the currency of the breakaway Republic of Biafra between 1968 and 1970.

The first notes denominated in 5 shillings and £1 were introduced on January 29, 1968. A series of coins was issued in 1969; 3 pence, 6 pence, 1 shilling and 2½ shilling coins were minted, all made of aluminium. In February 1969, a second family of notes was issued consisting of 5 shilling, 10 shilling, £1, £5 and £10 denominations. Despite not being recognised as currency by the rest of the world when they were issued, the banknotes were afterwards sold as curios (typically at 2/6 (=.0125 GBP) for 1 pound notes in London philately/notaphily shops) and are now traded among banknote collectors at well above their original nominal value.

Coin Types in currency: Biafran Pound (10)
Coin TypeTypeFromToSub-typesCoins
Twenty Five Pounds Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 1
Ten Pounds Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 1
Five Pounds Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 1
Two Pounds Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 1
Pound Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 2 2
Crown Non-Circulating Legal Tender 1969 1969 1
Two and a Half Shillings Regular Circulating 1969 1969 1
Shilling Regular Circulating 1969 1969 2
Sixpence Regular Circulating 1969 1969 1
Threepence Regular Circulating 1969 1969 1
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Biafran Pound: Details
Issued ByBiafra
Biafran Pound: Users
Flag of Biafra Biafra Biafran Pound 1968 1970
Biafran Pound: Related Currencies
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom Pound Sterling (pre-decimal) 1801 1971