Information about currency: Liberian Dollar

Liberian Dollar (1847 - present)
Currency NameLiberian Dollar
System1 Dollar = 100 Cents

The first Liberian dollar was issued in 1847. It was pegged to the US dollar at par and circulated alongside the US dollar until 1907, when Liberia adopted the British West African pound, which was pegged to the pound sterling. United States currency replaced the British West African pound in 1935.

Starting in 1937, Liberia issued its own coins which circulated alongside US currency. In the late 1980s the coins were largely replaced with a newly designed $10 note modeled on the US greenback ("J. J. Roberts" notes).

The Liberian Dollar is now the official currency of the Republic of Liberia. However, the United States Dollar is also legal tender in Liberia and is used along side the Liberian Dollar currency.

Period: First Liberian Dollar (1847 - 1907)
NameFirst Liberian Dollar
Period1847 - 1907

The first Liberian dollar was issued in 1847. It was pegged to the US dollar at par and circulated alongside the US dollar until 1907, when Liberia adopted the British West African Pound instead, which was pegged to the British Pound Sterling.

In 1935, United States currency replaced the British West African Pound. In 1937, Liberia started issuing the Liberian dollar again.

Period: Second Liberian Dollar (1937 - present)
NameSecond Liberian Dollar
Period1937 - present

The first Liberian dollar had been used from 1847 to 1907, after which it was replaced by foreign currencies: the British West African Pound and then the United States Dollar.

While the US Dollar is still legal tender in Liberia, the country started issuing the Liberian Dollar again 1937, and it is now the official currency of the country. The currency is served by both coins and banknotes of various denominations.

Coin Types in currency: Liberian Dollar (6)
Coin TypeTypeFromToSub-typesCoins
Silver Two Ounces (2 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2004 3
Silver Twenty-five Grams (25 g) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2012 1
Gold Ounce (1 oz), Bullion Bullion 2024 3
Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz), Bullion Bullion 2024 3
Silver Five Ounces (5 oz), Bullion Bullion 2024 3
Unsorted Other 152
The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
Liberian Dollar: Details
Issued ByLiberia
Liberian Dollar: Users
Flag of Liberia Liberia First Liberian Dollar 1847 1907
Flag of Liberia Liberia Second Liberian Dollar 1937