Information about Emperor Philippikos Bardanes of the Eastern Roman Empire

Emperor Philippikos Bardanes of the Eastern Roman Empire ((unknown) - 713)

Philippikos or Philippicus (Greek: Φιλιππικός) was Emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 711 to 713.

Among his first acts were the deposition of the orthodox patriarch Cyrus of Constantinople, in favour of John VI, a member of his own sect, and the summoning of a conciliabulum of Eastern bishops, which abolished the canons of the Sixth Ecumenical Council. In response the Roman Church refused to recognize the new Emperor and his patriarch. Meanwhile, Tervel of Bulgaria plundered up to the walls of Constantinople in 712. When Philippicus transferred an army from the Opsikion theme to police the Balkans, the Umayyad Caliphate under Al-Walid I made inroads across the weakened defenses of Asia Minor.

In late May 713 the Opsikion troops rebelled in Thrace. Several of their officers penetrated the city and blinded Philippicus on June 3, 713 while he was in the hippodrome. He was succeeded for a short while by his principal secretary, Artemius, who was raised to the purple as Emperor Anastasius II. He died in the same year.

Emperor Philippikos Bardanes of the Eastern Roman Empire reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Φιλιππικός (Emperor Philippikos) Flag of Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) 11 December 711 3 June 713
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