Information about John Flanagan

John Flanagan (4 April 1865 - 28 March 1952)

John F. Flanagan (also cited John Flannigan in early records) was a sculptor who was widely known for his statuary and plaquettes but recognised foremost for his designs of coinage and commemorative medals.

Among his best known designs are the obverse and reverse of the United States quarter dollar featuring the profile of George Washington, a coin that has been in continuous circulation with some modifications since 1932.

Flanagan designed the Washington U.S. quarter dollar coin, which was issued in 1932. Flanagan's initials can be found at the base of Washington's neck. He designed both sides of the quarter, adapting the obverse profile of the United States's first president from a bust of Washington initially produced by French neoclassical sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon in 1786. His original design for the quarter continued through 1998, after which the new "State Quarter" series resulted in the modification of Flanagan's portrait of Washington and the removal altogether of the reverse design, until the end of the series in 2021.

The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
The Definitive Guide to Australian Silver Coins
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