Information about King Afonso VI of Portugal

King Afonso VI of Portugal (21 August 1643 - 12 September 1683)

Afonso VI (English: Alphonzo or Alphonse, Old Portuguese: Affonso), known as "the Victorious" (o Vitorioso), was the second King of Portugal and the Algarves of the House of Braganza from 1656 until his death. He was initially under the regency of his mother, Luisa of Medina-Sidonia, until 1662, when he removed her to a convent and took power with the help of his favourite, the Count of Castelo Melhor.

Afonso's reign saw the end of the Restoration War (1640-68) and Spain's recognition of Portugal's independence. He also negotiated a French alliance through his marriage. However, the king was physically and mentally weak. In 1668, his brother Pedro conspired to have him declared incapable of ruling and took power as regent. His French wife, Queen Marie Françoise, received an annulment and married Pedro. Afonso spent the rest of his life and reign practically a prisoner.

King Afonso VI of Portugal reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Dom Afonso VI (King Afonso VI) Flag of Portugal, Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of 6 November 1656 12 September 1683
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