Information about King Christian VI of Denmark

King Christian VI of Denmark (30 November 1699 - 6 August 1746)

Christian VI was the King of Denmark and Norway from 1730 to 1746. The eldest surviving son of King Frederick IV and Louise of Mecklenburg-Güstrow, he is considered one of Denmark's more anonymous kings, but he was a skilled politician, best known for his authoritarian regime. He was the first king of the Oldenburg dynasty to refrain from entering in any war. He was married to Sophia Magdalene of Brandenburg-Kulmbach and was the father of Frederick V. His chosen motto was "deo et populo" (for God and the people).

King Christian VI of Denmark reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Christian 6. (King Christian VI) Flag of Denmark Denmark 12 October 1730 6 August 1746
King Christian VI Flag of Norway Norway 12 October 1730 6 August 1746
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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