Information about King Emund the Old of Sweden

King Emund the Old of Sweden ((unknown) - 1060)

Emund the Old or Edmund (Swedish: Emund den gamle, Old Swedish: Æmunðær gamlæ, Æmunðær gammal, Æmunðær slemæ) was King of Sweden from 1050 to 1060.

Emund was an illegitimate son of Olof Skötkonung. Emund's wife was Astrid Njalsdotter of Skjalgaätten (d. 1060). Astrid was the daughter of Norwegian nobleman Nial Finnsson (d. 1011) and Gunhild Halvdansdotter of the Skjalga family in Hålogaland, Norway. They became the parents of three known children: sons Anund and Ingvar, who both died before their father, and a daughter, whose name is not known but who was the Queen Consort of King Stenkil of Sweden and mother of the two more Swedish kings Inge I and Alstan.

King Emund the Old of Sweden reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
King Emund the Old Flag of Sweden Sweden 1050 1060
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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