Information about King Frederick III (IV) of Sicily

King Frederick III (IV) of Sicily (1 September 1341 - 27 January 1377)

Frederick III (or IV), called the Simple, was King of Sicily from 1355 to 1377. He was the second son of Peter II of Sicily and Elisabeth of Carinthia. He succeeded his brother Louis. The documents of his era call him the "infante Frederick, ruler of the kingdom of Sicily", without any regnal number.

"Frederick the Simple" is often confused with an earlier Sicilian monarch, his grandfather Frederick II, who chose to call himself "Frederick III" even though he was actually only the second King Frederick to occupy the Sicilian throne; his self-appellation was retained by later generations of genealogists and historians. The first King Frederick on the Sicilian throne was the latter's great-grandfather, King Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor.

Frederick III was born in Catania, and succeeded to his brother Louis in 1355 under the regency of his sister, Euphemia of Sicily. In his youth the reign was under the control of powerful Sicilian barons, in particular of Artale I Alagona. The beginning of Frederick III's reign was also plagued by intermittent wars with the Kingdom of Naples (see War of the Sicilian Vespers) and also by the Black Death, to which his elder brother and predecessor had succumbed. On 25 December 1369 Frederick ordered all Jews to wear a badge indicating their heritage. The badge consisted of a piece of red material, not smaller than the largest royal seal; men were required to wear it under the chin, and women on the chest. In 1372 he was able to come to peace terms with Naples and Pope Gregory XI, obtaining the title of tributary King of "Trinacria".

King Frederick III (IV) of Sicily reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Duke Frederick II, King of Sicily as Frederick III or IV Athens, Duchy of 11 July 1355 27 January 1377
Duke Frederick II, King of Sicily as Frederick III or IV Neopatras, Duchy of 11 July 1355 27 January 1377
Federico III (King Frederick III or IV) Flag of Sicily Sicily 16 October 1355 27 January 1377
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