Information about King Henrique of Portugal

King Henrique of Portugal (31 January 1512 - 31 January 1580)

Cardinal Henry (Portuguese: Henrique) was King of Portugal and the Algarves and a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He ruled Portugal between 1578 and 1580 and was known as Henry the Chaste (Portuguese: Henrique o Casto) and the Cardinal-King. As a clergyman, he was bound to chastity, and as such, had no children to succeed him, and thus an end to the Royal House of Aviz. His death led to the Portuguese succession crisis of 1580 and ultimately to the 60-year Iberian Union that saw Portugal share a monarch with that of Spain. The next native monarch of Portugal would be John IV, who took the throne after 60 years of Spanish rule.

King Henrique of Portugal reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Dom Henrique (King Henry) Flag of Portugal, Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of 4 August 1578 31 January 1580
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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