Information about Lord Charles I of Monaco

Lord Charles I of Monaco ((unknown) - 15 August 1357)

Charles I of Monaco was Lord of Monaco and the founder of the Grimaldi dynasty.

The oldest son of Rainier I by his first wife, Salvatica del Carretto, Charles was forced to flee into exile following the Rock of Monaco falling into Genoese control on April 10, 1301.

He was appointed Admiral of France, and was also Baron of San Demetrio (Kingdom of Naples).

After thirty years of Genoese rule, Charles retook the Rock on September 12, 1331, and ruled to his death, when the Rock was again conquered by the Genoese army. In 1346 he took the Lordship of Menton and, in 1355, he conquered the Lordship of Roquebrune.

On June 29, 1352, Charles designed a co-rulership of Monaco between his uncle Antonio (his father's youngest brother), and his own sons, Rainier II and Gabriele.

Lord Charles I of Monaco reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Lord Charles I (sole rule) Flag of Monaco Monaco 12 September 1331 29 June 1352
Lord Charles I, Lord Antonio, Lord Rainier II and Lord Gabriel Flag of Monaco Monaco 29 June 1352 15 August 1357
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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