Information about Pope Pius I

Pope Pius I ((unknown) - 155)

Pope Saint Pius I is said to have been the Bishop of Rome from c. 140 to his death c. 154, according to the Annuario Pontificio. His dates are listed as 142 or 146 to 157 or 161, respectively.

According to Catholic tradition, St Pius I governed the Church in the middle of the 2nd century during the reigns of the Emperors Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. He is held to be the ninth successor of Saint Peter, who decreed that Easter should only be kept on a Sunday. Although credited with ordering the publication of the Liber Pontificalis, compilation of that document was not started before the beginning of the 6th century. He is also said to have built one of the oldest churches in Rome, Santa Pudenziana.

Pope Pius I reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
Papa Pius (Pope Pius I) Flag of Holy See Holy See 11 January 140 11 July 155
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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