Information about reference source: Remick, Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins

Remick, Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins
NameRemick, Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins

"The Guidebook and Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins 1649 - 1971" was written to list and evaluate the coinage of all British Commonwealth countries in all countries or areas that were part of the British Empire or at one time under British protection. It also lists the coinages of countries before they became part of the British Empire such as the South African Republic, German East Africa and German New Guinea and the coinages of other countries after they left the British Commonwealth such as Burma, Israel, Ireland, Rhodesia, the Republic of South Africa and the United States of America - to a total of 160 countries and states.

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Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Reference: Details
Author/sJerome Remick, Somer James, Anthony Dowle, Patrick Finn