Banjar, Sultanate of / Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah bin Tahmidullah II

Banjar, Sultanate of - Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah bin Tahmidullah II (1801 - 3 June 1825)

Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah (Sultan Sulaiman Saidullah II) bin Tahmidullah II was the sultan of Banjar (also known as Banjarmasin) from 1801 until his death in 1825.

Sultan Sulaiman is also known as Sultan Sulaiman Saidullah II or Sultan Sulaiman Rahmatullah. He got the title of Sultan Muda in 1767 when he was 6 years old.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah bin Tahmidullah II: Details
CountryBanjar, Sultanate of
To3 June 1825
Personal Information Sultan Sulaiman al-Mutamidullah bin Tahmidullah II of Banjar
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NameBanjar, Sultanate of
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