Brandenburg, Margraviate of / Friedrich Wilhelm III. (Margrave-elector Frederick William III, King Frederick William I of Prussia)

Brandenburg, Margraviate of - Friedrich Wilhelm III. (Margrave-elector Frederick William III, King Frederick William I of Prussia) (25 February 1713 - 31 May 1740)

Frederick William I (German: Friedrich Wilhelm I), known as the "Soldier King" (German: Soldatenkönig), was the King in Prussia and Elector of Brandenburg (as Frederick William III) from 1713 until his death, as well as the father of Frederick the Great. He was in personal union the sovereign prince of the principality of Neuchâtel.

He was born in Berlin to Frederick I of Prussia and Sophia Charlotte of Hanover. His father had successfully acquired the title King for the margraves of Brandenburg. On ascending the throne in 1713 the new King sold most of his fathers' horses, jewels and furniture; he did not intend to treat the treasury as his personal source of revenue the way Frederick I and many of the other German Princes had. Throughout his reign, Frederick William was characterized by his frugal, austere and militaristic lifestyle, as well as his devout Calvinist faith.

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Friedrich Wilhelm III. (Margrave-elector Frederick William III, King Frederick William I of Prussia): Details
CountryBrandenburg, Margraviate of
From25 February 1713
To31 May 1740
Personal Information King Frederick William I of Prussia
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NameBrandenburg, Margraviate of
WikiSee Wikipedia page
FlagFlag of Brandenburg, Margraviate of