India, Dominion of / King George VI

India, Dominion of - King George VI (15 August 1947 - 26 January 1950)

The Dominion of India (Hindi: भारत अधिराज्य, Bhārata Adhirājya) was a predecessor to modern-day India and an independent state that existed between 15 August 1947 and 26 January 1950. It was transformed into the Republic of India by the promulgation of the Constitution of India on 26 January 1950.

George VI was made King of India (the head of state) and was represented by the Governor-General of India. However, the governor-general was not designated viceroy, as had been customary under the British Raj.

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King George VI: Details
CountryIndia, Dominion of
From15 August 1947
To26 January 1950
Personal Information King George VI of the United Kingdom
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