Athens, Duchy of / Duke Antonio II

Athens, Duchy of - Duke Antonio II (January 1439 - 1441)

Antonio II Acciaioli was the Duke of Athens from 1439 to 1441.

He was a son of Francesco and Margareta Malpigli and grew up in Florence until 1413, when his uncle Antonio I called him and his brother Nerio II to Greece to live at his court. When the elder Antonio died in January 1435, he left the duchy to Nerio under the regency of his widow Maria Melissene. However, Antonio forced Nerio from the city in January 1439. Antonio ruled energetically but briefly and died in 1441, to be replaced by his deposed brother.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Duke Antonio II: Details
CountryAthens, Duchy of
FromJanuary 1439
Personal Information Duke Antonio II of Athens
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