Athens, Duchy of / Juan III (Duke John III), King of Aragon as John I

Athens, Duchy of - Juan III (Duke John III), King of Aragon as John I (6 January 1387 - 2 May 1388)

John I, called by posterity the Hunter or the Lover of Elegance, but the Abandoned in his lifetime, was the King of Aragon from 1388 until his death. He was the eldest son of Peter IV and his third wife, Eleanor, who was the daughter of Peter II of Sicily. He was born in Perpignan, capital of the Rousillon, which at that time was part of the Principality of Catalonia, in the Crown of Aragon. He was a man of character, with a taste for verse. He was a Francophile and married Violant of Bar against the wishes of his father, who had wanted him to marry a princess of Sicily. His last marriage was happy. His wife frequently participated in government, since the king was often ill.

He died during a hunt in forests near Foixà by a fall from his horse, like his namesake, cousin, and contemporary, John I of Castile. Leaving no sons, he was succeeded by his younger brother Martin. Two daughters, however, survived to adulthood.

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Juan III (Duke John III), King of Aragon as John I: Details
CountryAthens, Duchy of
From6 January 1387
To2 May 1388
Personal Information King John I of Aragon
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NameAthens, Duchy of
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