Ethiopia / ዮስቶስ (Emperor Yostos)

Ethiopia - ዮስቶስ (Emperor Yostos) (14 October 1711 - 19 February 1716)

Yostos or Justus (Ge'ez ዮስቶስ, throne name Tsehay Sagad Ge'ez ፀሓይ ሰገድ, "to whom the sun bows") was Emperor of Ethiopia.

According to James Bruce, he was the son of Delba Iyasu and a daughter of Emperor Iyasu I. He had served as governor of Samien under Emperor Tekle Haymanot, but fell out of favor under Emperor Tewoflos.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
ዮስቶስ (Emperor Yostos): Details
From14 October 1711
To19 February 1716
Personal Information Emperor Yostos of Ethiopia
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