Hanover, Kingdom of / Georg V. (King George V)

Hanover, Kingdom of - Georg V. (King George V) (18 November 1851 - 20 September 1866)

George V (George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus; German: Georg Friedrich Alexander Karl Ernst August; 27 May 1819 - 12 June 1878) was the last king of Hanover, the only child and successor of King Ernest Augustus. George V's reign was ended by the Unification of Germany.

Prince George of Cumberland was born in Berlin, the only son of Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, himself fifth son of George III, and his wife Princess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz on 27 May 1819.

George spent his childhood in Berlin and in Britain. He lost the sight of one eye following a childhood illness and accident in 1828, and in the other eye in 1833. His uncle, William IV, created him a Knight of the Garter on 15 August 1835. His father had hoped that the young prince might marry his cousin Victoria, who was older by three days, thus keeping the British and Hanoverian thrones united, but nothing ever came of the plan.

The Prussian government formally annexed Hanover on 20 September 1866. Incidentally, the King of Prussia when all this happened was William I, German Emperor, who was none other than a first cousin of King George V of Hanover. Their mothers were sisters. The deposed King never renounced his rights to the throne or acknowledged Prussia's actions. From exile in Gmunden, Austria, he appealed in vain for the European great powers to intervene on behalf of Hanover. From 1866 to 1870, George V maintained the Guelphic Legion partially at his own expense.

George V died at his residence in the Rue de Presbourg, Paris, on 12 June 1878. He was buried in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.

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Georg V. (King George V): Details
CountryHanover, Kingdom of
From18 November 1851
To20 September 1866
Personal Information King George V of Hanover
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Country Details
NameHanover, Kingdom of
WikiSee Wikipedia page
FlagFlag of Hanover, Kingdom of
Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms of Hanover, Kingdom of