Holy See / Papa Benedictus XII (Pope Benedict XII)

Holy See - Papa Benedictus XII (Pope Benedict XII) (30 December 1334 - 25 April 1342)

Pope Benedict XII (Latin: Benedictus XII), born Jacques Fournier, was Pope from 30 December 1334 to his death in April 1342. He was the third Avignon Pope. Benedict was a careful pope who reformed monastic orders and opposed nepotism. Unable to remove his capital to Rome or Bologna, he started the great palace at Avignon. He decided against a notion of Pope John XXII by saying that souls may attain the "fulness of the beatific vision" before the last judgment.

He tried unsuccessfully to reunite the Greek and Roman churches. He also failed to come to an understanding with Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor.

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Papa Benedictus XII (Pope Benedict XII): Details
CountryHoly See
From30 December 1334
To25 April 1342
Personal Information Pope Benedict XII
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