Mughal Empire / شاه جهان دوم‎ (Emperor Shah Jahan II)

Mughal Empire - شاه جهان دوم‎ (Emperor Shah Jahan II) (6 June 1719 - 17 September 1719)

Shah Jahan II (Persian: شاه جهان دوم‎), birth name Rafi ud-Daulah (Persian: رفیع الدوله‎) was the 11th Mughal emperor for a brief period in 1719. After being chosen by the Sayyid brothers, he succeeded his short-lived brother Rafi ud-Darajat in that year. Like his brother, he died of tuberculosis and was buried in the dargah of Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki.

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شاه جهان دوم‎ (Emperor Shah Jahan II): Details
CountryMughal Empire
From6 June 1719
To17 September 1719
Personal Information Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan II
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NameMughal Empire
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