Portugal, Kingdom of / Dom Afonso V (King Afonso V)

Portugal, Kingdom of - Dom Afonso V (King Afonso V) (9 September 1438 - 28 August 1481)

Afonso V, called the African (Portuguese: o Africano), was King of Portugal and of the Algarves. His sobriquet refers to his conquests in Northern Africa.

As of 1471, Afonso V was the first king of Portugal to claim dominion over a plural "Kingdom of the Algarves," instead of the singular "Kingdom of the Algarve." Territories added to the Portuguese crown lands in North Africa during the 15th century came to be referred to as possessions of the Kingdom of the Algarve (now a region of southern Portugal), not the Kingdom of Portugal. The "Algarves" then were considered to be the southern Portuguese territories on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Dom Afonso V (King Afonso V): Details
CountryPortugal, Kingdom of
From9 September 1438
To28 August 1481
Personal Information King Afonso V of Portugal
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NamePortugal, Kingdom of
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FlagFlag of Portugal, Kingdom of