Portugal, Kingdom of / Dom Manuel I (King Manuel I)

Portugal, Kingdom of - Dom Manuel I (King Manuel I) (25 October 1495 - 13 December 1521)

Dom Manuel I, the Fortunate (Port. o Afortunado), King of Portugal and the Algarves, was the son of Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu, by his wife, the Infanta Beatrice of Portugal. His name is associated with a period of Portuguese civilization that was distinguished by significant achievements both in political affairs and the arts. In spite of its small size and population in comparison to the great land powers of Europe, Portugal, during Manuel's reign, was able to acquire an overseas empire of vast proportions, the first in world history to reach global dimensions.

Manuel died of unknown reasons on December 13 of 1521 at age 52. The Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon houses Manuel's tomb. His son João succeeded him as king.

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Dom Manuel I (King Manuel I): Details
CountryPortugal, Kingdom of
From25 October 1495
To13 December 1521
Personal Information King Manuel I of Portugal
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NamePortugal, Kingdom of
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FlagFlag of Portugal, Kingdom of