Portugal, Kingdom of / Dom Pedro I (King Pedro I)

Portugal, Kingdom of - Dom Pedro I (King Pedro I) (28 May 1357 - 18 January 1367)

Peter I (Portuguese: Pedro I), called the Just or the Cruel (Portuguese: o Justo, O Cruel), was King of Portugal and of the Algarves from 1357 until his death. He was the third but only surviving son of Afonso IV of Portugal and his wife, Infanta Beatrice of Castile.

Peter was the father of Ferdinand I of Portugal and John I of Portugal. John was the Master of the military order of Avis, and he would become the founder of the Avis dynasty after the 1383-85 Crisis.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Dom Pedro I (King Pedro I): Details
CountryPortugal, Kingdom of
From28 May 1357
To18 January 1367
Personal Information King Pedro I of Portugal
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NamePortugal, Kingdom of
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FlagFlag of Portugal, Kingdom of