The site will, when fully developed, be a hub for everything coin- and banknote-related. A place to search, research, buy, sell and trade. As part of that, it will need lots of "background" information, lots of specific information, and some community and "trading" functionality.
What is in place so far? (Please, click Site Map in the navigation below to visit features.)
In terms of "background information" functionality and content: - information about countries (including monarch reigns) - information about people (mostly monarchs for now, with reigns and effigies used on coinage - some effigies with examples of coins using this effigy struck in gold/silver/cupro-nickel as appropriate) - currencies (including when each currency was used in which country) - dictionary of common terminology - information about mints (location, history, what coins they made) - web directory (links to various online resources related to currencies, coinage, banknotes or business and communities relevant thereof) - news (links to news articles on other sites) - content is limited, and should for now be considered to be here for illustrative purposes only (e.g. to show what the platform can do) and not an exhaustive resource; having said that, the content for Australian and New Zealand pre-decimal coins is already comprehensive enough to make this site the best online resource on the topic
In terms of "specific information" functionality and content: - information about coins (broken up by country / currency), including... - general information (mint/s, mintage, description, varieties, references etc.) - photos - external links - a framework to record and graph valuations over time (in order to monitor price trends and allow forecasts) - content is limited, and should for now be considered to be here for illustrative purposes only (e.g. to show what the platform can do) and not an exhaustive resource; there is data on (mostly pre-WW2 and some modern) coins from Australia, British Honduras, Bulgaria, Fiji, Great Britain, New Guinea (Australian and German pre-independence territories), New Zealand, North Borneo, Sarawak and the United Kingdom
In terms of "personal" functionality: - creation of user profiles - creation of user collections - management of personal collections (not 100% done) - publication of "for sale" ads (not 100% done) - blog posts
In terms of "community functionality": - nothing yet
Roadmap for future development is as follows:
In terms of "background information" functionality and content: - expand the framework as needed - add content as needed
In terms of "specific information" functionality and content: - expand the framework as needed - add content for (in order of priority): Great Britain pre-decimal coins, USA, other Commonwealth (ex British colonies) pre-decimal coins, modern coins of the same countries (regular circulating and commemorative circulating coins first; bullion and "collector editions" to come much later)
In terms of "personal" functionality: - complete management of personal collections - complete publication of "for sale" ads - complete viewing (incl. public display and sharing) of collections - add management of general purchase and sale records
In terms of "community functionality": - add comments on coins and other items - add internal messaging between users - add general discussions
In terms of general site improvement: - better graphic design of the site - mobile-friendly layout - new web host
A crowdfunding campaign has been planned to enable some of the above.
A crowdsourcing campaign was also started. The idea is simple. There is a list of things that need to be done to get the site from where it is now (proof-of-concept prototype with some information already in it) to where it wants to be (world-best source for everything coin- and banknote-related). This list is huge. Some of the tasks on the list can only be done with "backend" access and certain skills (like web programming) so are not really suitable for "outside" help.
Others however are very suitable for the purpose. So... if you head towards the Development Tasks section of the site, you will find a small list of such tasks, most of which are still "Open".
If you head towards the Marketplace section of the site, you will see an ad that offers a small selection of Australian half penny and penny coins.
You can then use the feedback form to tell us that you want to pick a task (do not forget to tell us which task! and leave an email for contact). We mark the task as "taken". You do what is described in it and email us the result.
We then post two dozen Australian coins to you.
Some statistics about the content currently available: - coin types 458 - coins 3,040 - varieties (incl. proof) 2,216 - coin photos 3,775 - price graphs 185 - references 9,696 - reference sources 20 - links in directory 897 - links from individual coins/types 3,628 |