Information about currency: Palau Dollar

Palau Dollar (1992 - present)
Currency NamePalau Dollar

The Republic of Palau is an island country in the western Pacific, in free association with the United States. In one way or another, the country has been under US administration since it was established, and has never had its own separate currency - it has always used the US Dollar. However, Palau allows some foreign mints to issue coins under its authority; these are denominated in US Dollars but are only legal tender in Palau, so can in a way be considered to be in "Palau Dollars", even though such a currency does not officially exist.

Coin Types in currency: Palau Dollar (12)
Coin TypeTypeFromToSub-typesCoins
Silver Two Ounces (2 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2004 22
Silver Twenty-five Grams (25 g) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2006 6
Silver Half Ounce (1/2 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2012 1
Silver Kilo (1 kg) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2014 10
Gold Half Gram (0.5 g) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2016 27
Silver Half Kilo (500 g) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2017 2
Gold Ounce (1 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2018 1
Silver Ounce (1 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2018 24
Silver Five Ounces (5 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2019 4
Silver Three Ounces (3 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2019 12
Gold Five Ounces (5 oz) Non-Circulating Legal Tender 2021 3
Unsorted Other 580
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Palau Dollar: Details
Issued ByPalau
Palau Dollar: Users
Flag of Palau Palau Palau Dollar 1992
Palau Dollar: Related Currencies
Flag of United States United States US Dollar 1792