Information about currency: Pound Sterling (England)

Pound Sterling (England) (1066 - 1707)
Currency NamePound Sterling (England)
System1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence, 1 Penny = 4 Farthings

The pound sterling is the world's oldest currency still in use and which has been in continuous usage since its inception.

Prior to 1971, one pound was subdivided into 20 shillings and each shilling into 12 pence, making 240 pence to the pound.

While it has technically been the same currency since 770 (i.e. it has only evolved but was never replaced with another currency for twelve and a half centuries), it has been separately listed for the purposes of this site as several currencies. This is done for convenience only (there would be too many coins listed for one currency otherwise) as well as for consistency - while the currency itself did not change, the country did; from Anglo-Saxon England it became (Norman) England, then Great Britain, then the United Kingdom of today.

Period: Pound Sterling (Early Medieval) (1066 - 1158)
NamePound Sterling (Early Medieval)
Period1066 - 1158

The pound sterling is the world's oldest currency still in use and which has been in continuous usage since its inception.

Prior to 1971, one pound was subdivided into 20 shillings and each shilling into 12 pence, making 240 pence to the pound.

While it has technically been the same currency since 770 (i.e. it has only evolved but was never replaced with another currency for twelve and a half centuries), it has been separately listed for the purposes of this site as several currencies. This is done for convenience only (there would be too many coins listed for one currency otherwise) as well as for consistency - while the currency itself did not change, the country did; from Anglo-Saxon England it became (Norman) England, then Great Britain, then the United Kingdom of today.

Period: Pound Sterling (Late Medieval) (1158 - 1707)
NamePound Sterling (Late Medieval)
Period1158 - 1707

The pound sterling is the world's oldest currency still in use and which has been in continuous usage since its inception.

Prior to 1971, one pound was subdivided into 20 shillings and each shilling into 12 pence, making 240 pence to the pound.

While it has technically been the same currency since 770 (i.e. it has only evolved but was never replaced with another currency for twelve and a half centuries), it has been separately listed for the purposes of this site as several currencies. This is done for convenience only (there would be too many coins listed for one currency otherwise) as well as for consistency - while the currency itself did not change, the country did; from Anglo-Saxon England it became (Norman) England, then Great Britain, then the United Kingdom of today.

Coin Types in currency: Pound Sterling (England) (7)
Coin TypeTypeFromToSub-typesCoins
Angel (5.65 g gold) Regular Circulating 1465 1642 2
Gold Crown (3.11 g) Regular Circulating 1526 1662 1
Unite / Broad (9 g gold) Regular Circulating 1604 1662 1 5
Guinea (8.385 - 8.53 g gold) Regular Circulating 1663 1707 26
Crown (Pattern) Pattern 1663 1663 2
Two Guineas (16.77 - 17.07 g gold) Regular Circulating 1664 1707 15
Unsorted Other 6
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Pound Sterling (England): Details
Issued ByEngland
Pound Sterling (England): Users
Flag of England England Pound Sterling (Early Medieval) 1066 1158
Flag of England England Pound Sterling (Late Medieval) 1158 1707