Information about King Reccared II of the Visigoths

King Reccared II of the Visigoths ((unknown) - 16 April 621)

Reccared II (in Spanish, Galician and Portuguese, Recaredo) was Visigothic King of Hispania, Septimania and Galicia briefly in 621. His father and predecessor was Sisebut and his mother was his second wife, the bastard daughter of Reccared I by Floresinda. He was but a child when placed on the throne and as with most Visigothic attempts to establish a royal dynasty, Sisebut's was opposed by the nobility and ultimately failed.

His death allowed his maternal half-uncle the strongman and general Suintila to accede to the throne.

King Reccared II of the Visigoths reigned in...
Reigned asIn CountryFromToCoins Issued
King Reccared II Visigothic Kingdom February 621 16 April 621
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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