Visigothic Kingdom: Information

Coin Types
Visigothic Kingdom (418 - 720)

The Visigothic Kingdom or Kingdom of the Visigoths (Latin: Regnum Visigothorum; Gothic: Gutþiuda Þiudinassus) was a kingdom that occupied what is now southwestern France and the Iberian Peninsula from the 5th to the 8th centuries. One of the Germanic successor states to the Western Roman Empire, it was originally created by the settlement of the Visigoths under King Wallia in the province of Aquitaine in southwest France by the Roman government and then extended by conquest over all of the Iberian Peninsula. The Kingdom maintained independence from the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, the attempts of which to re-establish Roman authority in Iberia were only partially successful and short-lived.

Sometimes referred to as the regnum Tolosanum or Kingdom of Toulouse after its capital Toulouse in modern historiography, the kingdom lost much of its territory in Gaul to the Franks in the early 6th century, save the narrow coastal strip of Septimania, but the Visigoth control of Iberia was secured by the end of that century with the submission of the Suebi. The kingdom of the 6th and 7th centuries is sometimes called the regnum Toletanum after the new capital of Toledo.

The ethnic distinction between the indigenous Hispano-Roman population and the Visigoths had largely disappeared by this time (the Gothic language lost its last and probably already declining function as a church language when the Visigoths converted to Catholicism in 589). Liber Iudiciorum (completed in 654) abolished the old tradition of having different laws for Romans and for Visigoths. Most of the Visigothic Kingdom was conquered by Arab Umayyad troops from North Africa in 711 AD, with only the northern reaches of Spain remaining in Christian hands. These gave birth to the medieval Kingdom of Asturias when a local landlord called Pelayo, most likely of Gothic origin, was elected Princeps by the Astures.

The Visigoths and their early kings were Arians and came into conflict with the Catholic Church, but after they converted to Nicene Christianity, the Church exerted an enormous influence on secular affairs through the Councils of Toledo. The Visigoths also developed the highly influential law code known in Western Europe as the Liber Iudiciorum, which would become the basis for Spanish law throughout the Middle Ages.

Visigothic Kingdom: List of Rulers.
Reign / RuleFromToCoins Issued
King Alaric I 395 410
King Ataulf 410 15 August 415
King Sigeric 15 August 415 22 August 415
King Wallia 22 August 415 419
King Theodoric I 419 24 June 451
King Thorismund 24 June 451 453
King Theodoric II 24 June 453 466
King Euric 466 28 December 484
King Alaric II 28 December 484 August 507
King Gesalec August 507 511
King Amalaric 511 531
King Theudis 531 June 548
King Theudigisel June 548 December 549
King Agila I December 549 March 554
King Athanagild March 554 December 567
King Liuva I December 567 568
King Liuva I and King Liuvigild 568 571
King Liuvigild 571 21 April 586
King Reccared I 21 April 586 31 May 601
King Liuva II 31 May 601 December 603
King Witteric December 603 April 610
King Gundemar April 610 February 612
King Sisebut February 612 February 621
King Reccared II February 621 16 April 621
King Suintila 16 April 621 631
King Sisenand 631 12 March 636
King Iudila - pretender 632 633
King Chintila 636 20 September 639
King Tulga 640 642
King Chindasuinth 30 April 642 649
King Chindasuinth and King Recceswinth 649 30 September 653
King Recceswinth 30 September 653 1 September 672
King Wamba 672 680
King Erwig 680 687
King Egica 687 694
King Egica and King Wittiza 694 702
King Wittiza 702 710
King Ruderic 710 712
King Achila II 710 714
King Ardo 713 721
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Visigothic Kingdom: Details
Official NameVisigothic Kingdom
Original NameRegnum Visigothorum
WikiSee Wikipedia page