Bulgaria, Second Kingdom of / Цар Константин Тих (Tsar Constantine Tikh)

Bulgaria, Second Kingdom of - Цар Константин Тих (Tsar Constantine Tikh) (1257 - 1277)

Constantine I (Bulgarian: Константин I, Konstantin I, called Константин Тих, Konstantin Tih (Tikh), which includes the shortened form of the name of his father as a patronymic), ruled as emperor (tsar) of Bulgaria from 1257 to 1277. He was the son of a nobleman from Skopie named Tihomir (Tih) and his maternal grandfather was Serbian Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja.

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Цар Константин Тих (Tsar Constantine Tikh): Details
CountryBulgaria, Second Kingdom of
Personal Information Tsar Constantine Tikh of Bulgaria
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