Luxemburg, County of / Konrad I. (Count Conrad I)

Luxemburg, County of - Konrad I. (Count Conrad I) (14 August 1059 - 8 August 1086)

Conrad I, Count of Luxembourg, was the first count of Luxembourg (1059-1086), succeeding his father Giselbert of Luxembourg.

He was embroiled in an argument with the archbishop of Trier as to the abbaye Saint-Maximin in Trier which he had avowed. The archbishop excommunicated him and Conrad had to make honourable amends and set out on pilgrimage for Jerusalem. He died in Italy on the return journey.

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Konrad I. (Count Conrad I): Details
CountryLuxemburg, County of
From14 August 1059
To8 August 1086
Personal Information Count Conrad I of Luxembourg
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NameLuxemburg, County of
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