Ireland, Kingdom of / King James II

Ireland, Kingdom of - King James II (6 February 1685 - 11 December 1688)

James II and VII (14 October 1633 - 16 September 1701) was King of England and Ireland as James II and King of Scotland as James VII, from 6 February 1685 until he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. He was the last Roman Catholic monarch to reign over the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland.

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King James II: Details
CountryIreland, Kingdom of
From6 February 1685
To11 December 1688
Personal Information King James VII and II
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Country Details
NameIreland, Kingdom of
WikiSee Wikipedia page
FlagFlag of Ireland, Kingdom of
Coat of ArmsCoat of Arms of Ireland, Kingdom of