Hungary, First Kingdom of / Bethlen Gábor (Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania), contested

Hungary, First Kingdom of - Bethlen Gábor (Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania), contested (25 August 1620 - 31 December 1621)

Gabriel Bethlen (Hungarian: Bethlen Gábor) was Prince of Transylvania from 1613 to 1629 and Duke of Opole from 1622 to 1625. He was also King-elect of Hungary from 1620 to 1621, but he never took control of the whole kingdom. Bethlen, supported by the Ottomans, led his Calvinist principality against the Habsburgs and their Catholic allies.

Bethlen died on 15 November 1629. Catherine became Princess. (His first wife, Zsuzsanna Károlyi, had died in 1622).

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Bethlen Gábor (Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania), contested: Details
CountryHungary, First Kingdom of
From25 August 1620
To31 December 1621
Personal Information Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania
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NameHungary, First Kingdom of
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