Kongo / Manikongo Álvaro XIV (King Álvaro XIV)

Kongo - Manikongo Álvaro XIV (King Álvaro XIV) (February 1891 - November 1896)

Água Rosada or Álvaro XIV was ruler in Kongo, Africa, from February 1891 to 1896. His father signed the vassalage of Kongo in 1888.

Álvaro XIV was the son of Pedro VI, brother of Álvaro XIII and son of Henrique II. Henrique had split his lands between his two sons; Álvaro and Pedro. They did a swap and Pedro got Kongo on 7 August 1859. Then he signed a treaty in 1888 that Kongo would go to Portuguese rule. Pedro died in February 1891 and Álvaro XIV succeeded to the throne of Kongo. He died in 1896 and was succeeded by his son Pedro VI (initially under the regency of Henrique IV).

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Manikongo Álvaro XIV (King Álvaro XIV): Details
FromFebruary 1891
ToNovember 1896
Personal Information King Álvaro XIV of Kongo
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