Navarre / Orti Gartzez (King Fortún Garcés)

Navarre - Orti Gartzez (King Fortún Garcés) (870 - 905)

Fortún Garcés (Basque: Orti Gartzez) nicknamed the One-eyed (el Tuerto), and years later the Monk (el Monje), was King of Pamplona (later known as Navarre) from 882 until 905. He appears in Arabic records as Fortoûn ibn Garsiya (فرتون بن غرسية). He was the eldest son of García Iñíguez and grandson of Íñigo Arista, the first king of Pamplona. Reigning for about thirty years, Fortún Garcés would be the last king of the Íñiguez dynasty.

A drastic change took place in 905, when Sancho Garcés was chosen by the Pamplonese nobility to replace Fortún Garcés as king. The reasons behind this decision reside in the fact that Sancho Garcés had a very well respected military prestige and had the support of important figures such as Raymond I, Count of Pallars and Ribagorza, Galindo Aznárez II, Count of Aragon and Alfonso III, King of Asturias.

Fortún Garcés permanently retired to the Monastery of Leyre in 905, where he died in 922.

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