Navarre / Antso Gartzez Nagusia (King Sancho Garcés III)

Navarre - Antso Gartzez Nagusia (King Sancho Garcés III) (1004 - 18 October 1035)

Sancho Garcés III, also known as Sancho the Great (Spanish: Sancho el Mayor, Basque: Antso Gartzez Nagusia), was the King of Pamplona (later known as Navarre) from 1004 until his death in 1035. He also ruled the County of Aragon and by marriage the counties of Castile, Álava and Monzón. He later added the County of Cea in 1030 and the counties of Sobrarbe (1015) and Ribagoza (1018). He would later intervene in the Kingdom of León, taking the capital city.

He was the eldest son of García Sánchez II and his wife Jimena Fernández.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Antso Gartzez Nagusia (King Sancho Garcés III): Details
To18 October 1035
Personal Information King Sancho Garcés III of Pamplona
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