Vasili IV of Russia (Russian: Василий IV Иванович Шуйский, Vasíliy Ivanovich Shuyskiy, other transliterations: Vasily, Vasilii) was Tsar of Russia between 1606 and 1610 after the murder of False Dmitriy I. His reign fell during the Time of Troubles. He was the only member of House of Shuysky to become Tsar and the last member of the Rurikid dynasty to rule. |
Country | Russia, Tsardom of |
From | 19 May 1606 |
To | 19 July 1610 |
Personal Information | Tsar Vasili IV of Russia |
Name | Russia, Tsardom of |
From | 1547 |
To | 1721 |
Wiki | See Wikipedia page |
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