Diamond Jubilee Executive Proof Set, Coin Set from United Kingdom - detailed information

Diamond Jubilee Executive Proof Set
Set NameDiamond Jubilee Executive Proof Set

This is a special-edition "Executive" version of the standard United Kingdom Proof Set of the year, in a limited-edition presentation format with mintage limited to 2,012.

Unlike the other proof sets, this set contains the silver version of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee £5; the rest of the coins in the set are all the regular base-metal circulating coins, from the definitive £2 Technology down to 1p, in Proof FDC grade with frosted finish. The set does NOT contain the Charles Dickens £2 commemorative.

MintRoyal Mint Mintage1,000
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PackagingIn black presentation box with coins sealed in plastic block

Mintage is not clear. In the set itself, the booklet says that mintage is limited to 2,012. Spink associates this mintage with the 10-coin silver set, but the Royal Mint site - in its Silver section - has the following entry: "Diamond Jubilee Set 5,164"; it is more probable then that 5,164 is the mintage for the all-silver set, in which case the Executive set only remains to be what is listed under "Other Proof Sets" in the base metal section below, with the (suspiciously round) mintage figure of 1,000.

Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Coin Set Details
CountryUnited Kingdom
CurrencyPound Sterling
Mintage Limit2,012
Coins GradeProof FDC (PR65 and above)
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