Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821, Coin from Andorra - detailed information

Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821, Coin from Andorra
CoinTen Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821

This crown-sized Ten Diners (10 D.) commemorative coin was issued as part of an eight-coin set commemorating the life of Frédéric Chopin, each highlighting a different period of his life.

Frédéric François Chopin (born Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin) was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era who wrote primarily for solo piano. He has maintained worldwide renown as a leading musician of his era, one whose "poetic genius was based on a professional technique that was without equal in his generation". 2009 marked 160 years since his death in 1849, while the next year marked the 200th anniversary of his birth in 1810 and was declared Worldwide Year of Chopin - 2010.

This coin is dedicated to his earliest years in Warsaw - now the capital of independent Poland but then in Russian Poland. Being a child prodigy, Chopin found himself invited at an early age to play at private soirées, and at eight he made his first public appearance at a charity concert. Three years later he performed in the presence of the Russian tsar Alexander I, who was in Warsaw to open Parliament. The coin depicts a rather older Chopin though.

Inscriptions on the coin are in the Catalan language. It was issued in proof grade only.

MintNumisCollect Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 1,200
Andorra / Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821 - obverse photo

Surrounded by a plain rim, the obverse of the coin shows at its centre the Coat of Arms of the Principality of Andorra consisting of a shield divided quarterly by the arms of the Bishop of Urgell and the Count of Foix - who have historically been the two co-princes of Andorra - in addition to the emblems of Catalonia and the Viscount of Béarn.

The four traditional quarters are (clockwise from top left):
- that of the Bishopric of Urgell, represented by a mitre and a crosier (staff);
- that of Foix, with three vertical stripes;
- that of Béarn, represented by two cows with cow-bells around their necks, walking to left;
- that of Catalonia, with four vertical stripes.

The shield is surrounded by an "aureola". A scroll below it carries the Latin motto VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR (in modern spelling: "Virtus Unita Fortior"), meaning "United virtue is stronger".

Around above, the inscription PRINCIPAT D' ANDORRA (Principality of Andorra).

Below, divided by the Coat of Arms, the value and denomination 10 D. (Ten Diners).

Around below, the date of issue 2009.

Obverse Inscription PRINCIPAT D' ANDORRA 10 D. 2009
Andorra / Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821 - reverse photo

Flanked by a five-line staff (musical lines) with G-clefs on each side, the centre of the coin shows two standing figures: Frédéric Chopin on the left and (colourised) Alexander I, Emperor of Russia on the right.

Around above, in large letters, the name of the musician in Catalan: FRYDERYK CHOPIN; below that in smaller letters, ALEXANDRE I.

Around below, VARSÒVIA 1821 (Warsaw 1821).

EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone
Included in Set
Frédéric Chopin Anniversary 1810 - 1849 (Life of Chopin), mintage 1,200, limited to 1,810
8 coins: 10 D. Warsaw 1821, 10 D. Vienna 1829, 10 D. Paris 1832, 10 D. Dresden 1836, 10 D. Mallorca 1838, 10 D. - Paris 1848, 10 D. - Paris 1849, 10 D. Warsaw 1849
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Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821: Details
Coin TypeTen Diners
Effigy or SymbolCoat of Arms of Andorra
Face Value10 (x Diner)
Total Mintage1,200
Mintage Limit1,810
Material0.925 Silver
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size38.6100 mm
Mass25.0000 g
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Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821: Photos
Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821: Photo Life of Chopin / thumbnail Life of Chopin
Copyright: NumisCollect
Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821: Photo Life of Chopin / thumbnail Life of Chopin
Copyright: NumisCollect
Ten Diners 2009 Life of Chopin - Warsaw 1821: Catalogue Reference IDs
SourceReference ID
Krause, Standard Catalog of World CoinsKM# 323