Information about effigy: Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head)

Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head)

The massive re-coinage programme by the Royal Mint in 1816 necessitated a new effigy of the monarch. Pistrucci's initial portrait of King George III has become known to collectors as the "bull-head George". He could not engrave it from life since King George III was insane.

The design met such public hostility that it was withdrawn and replaced with a new one the next year.

On most coins of the time the "small head" portrait is used, which does not show the King's bare shoulders.

Note: Collectors Coins GB says the author was Thomas Wyon, while Pistrucci designed the small portrait which replaced this one in 1817.

Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head) - showing 2 of 2 coins
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head): Details
Personal InformationKing George III of the United Kingdom
Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head): Photos
Laureate bust by Benedetto Pistrucci (Bull Head): Photo Great Britain 1816 1/2 crown Great Britain 1816 1/2 crown
Copyright: CoinFactsWiki / CC BY-SA
Author: Stack's Bowers
Notes: Silver.
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