Information about legend: Elizabeth dei gratia britanniar. reg: f:d Alderney c.i.

Elizabeth dei gratia britanniar. reg: f:d Alderney c.i. (2021 - 2021)
LegendElizabeth dei gratia britanniar. reg: f:d Alderney c.i.

Translated from Latin: Elizabeth the Second, by the grace of God, Queen of the Britains, Defender of the Faith. Alderney, Channel Islands.

This legend, in this not very abbreviated form, was only used on a series of commemorative coins issued for the Crown dependency of Alderney. The series featured a new edition of the 1847 Gothic Crown, and it was intended to mirror the legend of Queen Victoria on the crown, in a way similar to the imagery of the series which mirrored the imagery of the original crown.

Elizabeth dei gratia britanniar. reg: f:d Alderney c.i. - Alderney - (22) Coins
Coin NameMintageEffigy
Double Sovereign 2021 Gothic Crown 199 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Five Sovereigns 2021 Gothic Crown 525 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Five Sovereigns 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 525 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Five Ounces 2021 Gothic Crown 175 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Five Ounces 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 175 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Half Gram 2021 Gothic Crown 2,999 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Kilo 2021 Gothic Crown 15 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Kilo 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 15 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Ounce 2021 Gothic Crown 500 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Two Ounces 2021 Gothic Crown 325 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Gold Two Ounces 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 325 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Half Sovereign 2021 Gothic Crown unknown Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Quarter Sovereign 2021 Gothic Crown 499 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Kilo 2021 Gothic Crown 250 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Kilo 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 250 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Ounce 2021 Gothic Crown 3,125 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Ounce 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 3,125 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Ten Ounces 2021 Gothic Crown 550 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Ten Ounces 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 550 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Two Ounces 2021 Gothic Crown 1,875 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Silver Two Ounces 2021 Queen Victoria - Gothic 1,875 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Sovereign 2021 Gothic Crown 999 Queen Elizabeth II - Gothic Portrait by Jody Clark
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Legend: Details
Year From2021
Year To2021
PersonQueen Elizabeth II
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