Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz), Coin Type from Tuvalu - detailed information

Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz), Coin Type from Tuvalu (issued 2016 - )
Coin TypeGold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz)

The Tuvaluan Dollar is the currency of Tuvalu - a small nation in the Pacific Ocean. Tuvalu has never had banknotes of its own, and has been issuing coins since 1976; these circulate together with coins of the Australian Dollar, which is also legal tender in the country, and to which the Tuvaluan Dollar is pegged.

The Australian Perth Mint issues a large variety of non-circulating legal tender coins under the authority of Tuvalu. Some of these are in the gold tenth-ounce format (abbreviated as 1/10 oz). Strictly speaking, they are not bullion as they are priced at a premium and are targeted at collectors who appreciate them for their artistic merit and collectable value and not just for their precious metal content.

Tuvalu / Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz) - obverse photo

Effigy of the ruling monarch, legend, face value.

Obverse Inscription Legend of the ruling monarch, face value
Tuvalu / Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz) - reverse photo

Various designs as individually described below.

Reverse Inscription
EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
Gold Tenth-Ounce (1/10 oz): Details
CurrencyTuvaluan Dollar
Face Value15 (x Dollar)
Material0.9999 Gold
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Mass3.1100 g