Ten Leva 1943, Coin from Bulgaria - detailed information

Ten Leva 1943, Coin from Bulgaria (demonetised 1952)
CoinTen Leva 1943

MintVienna Mint Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 25,000,000 (25.0 million)

Representation of the Madara Rider (hunting scene with horseman, lion killed by spear, hunting dog), inscription КРУМЪ 814 (Krum 814) due the now-discounted belief that the Madara rock carving represents the 9th century Bulgarian ruler Khan Krum.

Obverse Inscription КРУМЪ 814

Denomination, date and country 10 ЛЕВА 1943 БЪЛГАРИЯ (10 LEVA 1943 BULGARIA) above wreath.

Reverse Inscription 10 ЛЕВА 1943 БЪЛГАРИЯ
EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone
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Ten Leva 1943: References to Information Used
All (4) coins of type: Ten Leva (First Lev)
Coin NameMintageEffigyLegend
Ten Leva 1894 75,000 Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I. БЪЛГАРСКИЙ КНЯЗЪ
Ten Leva 1930 15,001,000 КРУМЪ 814
Ten Leva 1941 2,200,000 КРУМЪ 814
Ten Leva 1943 25,000,000 КРУМЪ 814
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Ten Leva 1943: Details
PeriodFirst Lev (1881 - 1952)
Coin TypeTen Leva (Iron)
MonarchЦар Борис III (Tsar Boris III)
Face Value10 (x Lev)
Total Mintage25,000,000 (25.0 million)
CurrentNo; demonetised 1952
DesignerIvan Lazarov
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
Size30.0000 mm
Mass12.0000 g
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Ten Leva 1943: Catalogue Reference IDs
SourceReference ID
Krause, Standard Catalog of World CoinsBulgaria KM# 40b