Australian Half Sovereign 1860, Coin from New South Wales - detailed information

Australian Half Sovereign 1860, Coin from New South Wales
CoinAustralian Half Sovereign 1860

A gold coin (19 mm diameter with milled edge) featuring a head of Queen Victoria facing left and wearing a wreath of banksia with the date 1860 below. The reverse features the word AUSTRALIA below a royal crown within a wreath of laurel and with the words SYDNEY MINT above and HALF SOVEREIGN below.

MintSydney Mint Mint MarkSydney Mint Total Mintage 156,000
New South Wales / Australian Half Sovereign 1860 - obverse photo

Head of Queen Victoria facing left and wearing a wreath of banksia which is plaited, the date 1860 below.; around, VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D:

Obverse Inscription VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1860
New South Wales / Australian Half Sovereign 1860 - reverse photo

At centre within a laurel wreath AUSTRALIA under a royal crown; above, SYDNEY MINT; below, HALF SOVEREIGN.

EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone
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Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Known varieties
Variety Overdate 1860/5
Mintage Issued: unknown
Australian Half Sovereign 1860: References to Information Used
All (13) coins of type: Australian Half Sovereign
Coin NameMintageEffigyLegend
Australian Half Sovereign 1853 (pattern) unknown Queen Victoria - Fillet Head VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1853
Australian Half Sovereign 1855 21,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D: 1855
Australian Half Sovereign 1856 478,000 Queen Victoria - Fillet Head VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REGINA F: D: 1856
Australian Half Sovereign 1857 537,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D: 1857
Australian Half Sovereign 1858 483,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1858
Australian Half Sovereign 1859 341,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D: 1859
Australian Half Sovereign 1860 156,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1860
Australian Half Sovereign 1861 186,500 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1861
Australian Half Sovereign 1862 210,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1862
Australian Half Sovereign 1863 150,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1863
Australian Half Sovereign 1864 141,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1864
Australian Half Sovereign 1865 62,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D: G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D: 1865
Australian Half Sovereign 1866 154,000 Queen Victoria - Young Head with Banksia VICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIAR: REG: F:D: 1866
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Details
CountryNew South Wales
CurrencyNSW Pound
PeriodAustralian Sovereign (1855 - 1870)
Coin TypeAustralian Half Sovereign
MonarchQueen Victoria
EffigyQueen Victoria - Portrait by Leonard Charles Wyon (Young Head with Banksia)
ReverseImperial Crown - St Edward's Crown and the Tudor Crown
Face Value1/2 (x Pound)
Total Mintage156,000
Material0.9167 Gold
DesignerLeonard Charles Wyon
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationCoin Alignment (Axis 6)
Size19.3000 mm
Mass3.9940 g
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Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Photos
Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Photo Coin - Half Sovereign, Australia, 1860 / thumbnail Coin - Half Sovereign, Australia, 1860
Copyright: Museums Victoria / CC BY
Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Photo Coin - Half Sovereign, Australia, 1860 / thumbnail Coin - Half Sovereign, Australia, 1860
Copyright: Museums Victoria / CC BY
Australian Half Sovereign 1860: Catalogue Reference IDs