Half Cent 1961, Coin from South Africa - detailed information

Half Cent 1961, Coin from South Africa (demonetised 1970)
CoinHalf Cent 1961

The South African Half Cent coin (abbreviated as ½c) was the smallest circulating coin of the Rand currency, which was introduced in the then Union of South Africa on 14 February 1961, shortly before the establishment of the Republic on 31 May 1961. The half cent approximately replaced the earlier half penny coin, which was the second-smallest denomination of the South African Pound.

This first type of Half Cent coins was made of brass and is part of the First Decimal Coinage of South Africa; it was only issued between 1961 and 1964. A smaller bronze type replaced it in 1970, but it was only issued until 1973 for circulation and 1983 for collectors, after which time the denomination was discontinued.

Thus, coins issued in 1961 circulated for nine years until replaced with the smaller version.

MintSouth African Mint Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 39,196,530 (39.2 million)
South Africa / Half Cent 1961 - obverse photo

The obverse of the coin, designed by Willie Myburg, features the portrait of Johan Anthoniszoon van Riebeeck, known as Jan van Riebeeck (1619-1677), Dutch colonial administrator and founder of Cape Town and considered by many people to be the founding father of the South African nation.

Around right, the motto UNITY IS STRENGTH in English; separated from that by two decorative rosettes, around left the same in Afrikaans: EENDRAG MAAK MAG.

South Africa / Half Cent 1961 - reverse photo

The reverse shows at its centre two Cape sparrows (Passer melanurus) on a branch. At the base of the branch, in small letters the initials of the reverse designer KG (for [George] Kruger Gray).

Around right, the name of the country in English: SOUTH AFRICA; around left, the name in Afrikaans: SUID-AFRIKA. Above that, the date · 1961 ·.

Below, flanked by two rosettes, the value and denomination * ½ c. * (half cent).

Reverse Inscription SUID-AFRIKA · 1961 · SOUTH AFRICA * ½ c. *
EdgePlainEdge InscriptionNone
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Half Cent 1961: Known varieties
Variety Proof
Mintage Issued: 7,530 (included in total)
All (18) coins of type: Half Cent
Coin NameMintageSymbolLegend
Half Cent 1961 39,196,530 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
Half Cent 1962 17,898,844 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
Half Cent 1963 11,615,025 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
Half Cent 1964 9,274,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
Half Cent 1970 45,375,363 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1970 *
Half Cent 1971 (mint sets only) 32,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1971 *
Half Cent 1972 (mint sets only) 30,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1972 *
Half Cent 1973 (mint sets only) 30,850 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1973 *
Half Cent 1974 (mint sets only) 35,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1974 *
Half Cent 1975 (mint sets only) 38,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1975 *
Half Cent 1976 (mint sets only) 41,000 SOUTH AFRICA SUID-AFRIKA · 1976 ·
Half Cent 1977 (mint sets only) 39,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1977 *
Half Cent 1978 (mint sets only) 37,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1978 *
Half Cent 1979 (mint sets only) 35,000 SOUTH AFRICA SUID-AFRIKA · 1979 ·
Half Cent 1980 (Proof only) 15,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1980 *
Half Cent 1981 (Proof only) 10,000 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1981 *
Half Cent 1982 (Proof only) 12,000 SOUTH AFRICA SUID-AFRIKA · 1982 ·
Half Cent 1983 (Proof only) 14,135 Coat of Arms of South Africa, 1910 SOUTH AFRICA * SUID-AFRIKA * 1983 *
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Half Cent 1961: Details
CountrySouth Africa
Coin TypeHalf Cent, Brass
PortraitJan van Riebeeck (facing)
Face Value1/2 (x Cent)
Circulation Mintage39,189,000 (39.2 million)
Total Mintage39,196,530 (39.2 million)
CurrentNo; demonetised 1970
DesignerGeorge Kruger Gray, Willie Myburg
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size25.6000 mm
Thickness1.8000 mm
Mass5.6000 g
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Half Cent 1961: Photos
Half Cent 1961: Photo Coin, South Africa, 1/2 Cent 1961 / thumbnail Coin, South Africa, 1/2 Cent 1961
Copyright: NumisCorner.com
Half Cent 1961: Photo Coin, South Africa, 1/2 Cent 1961 / thumbnail Coin, South Africa, 1/2 Cent 1961
Copyright: NumisCorner.com
Half Cent 1961: Catalogue Reference IDs