The obverse has four texts arranged in such a way that they form a Swiss Cross in the middle. Each text is in one of the four official languages of Switzerland (clockwise from top left: German, French, Romansh and Italian), with the name of the country in the respective language highlighted in larger letters:
Bund und Kantone födern die Verständigung und den Austausch zwischen den Sprachgemeinschaften. SCHWEIZ, La Confédération soutient les cantons plurilingues dans l'exécution de leurs taches particulières. SUISSE, SVIZZERA La Confederazione sostiene i provvedimenti dei Cantoni dei Grigioni e del Ticino voiti a conservare a promuovre le lingue romancia e Italiana., SVIZRA La Confederaziun sustegna mesiras dais chantuns Grischun e Tessin per mantegnair e promover la lingua rumantscha e tallana..
The texts reflect that "the Confederation supports the multilingual cantons in carrying out their specific tasks", with Grisons and Ticino specifically mentioned in the Italian and Romansh texts (Grigioni and Ticino, and Grischun and Tessin respectively).
Around the rim, the inscription CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA (translated from Latin: Confederation of Switzerland) and the date of issue: 2023, followed by the B mint mark of Swissmint (ex Bern Mint). The inscription is interrupted above by a small Swiss Cross.
On two lines below, the numeral 25 for the value and a language-neutral abbreviation FR for the denomination (Francs). |