Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov, Coin from Rwanda - detailed information

Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov, Coin from Rwanda
CoinGold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov

The Rwandan Franc was introduced as the currency of Rwanda in 1964. Apart from its regular circulating coinage, the country has also authorised some foreign mints to issue coins under its jurisdiction, which come in a variety of sizes - including in the internationally popular gold ounce (1 oz gold) format, denominated usually as 100 Francs. Like any bullion coin though, their actual value is unrelated to the face value, and is based primarily on the metal content and the spot price of that metal on the commodities markets.

This coin is part of the Rwandan Nautical Ounce series which features a new reverse design every year, and commemorates the Sedov sailing ship.

The Sedov, built as Magdalene Vinnen II 1921 in Kiel, then renamed Kommodore Johnsen 1936, is a quarter-masted steel barque. She now sails under the Russian flag and is one of the largest sailing ships in the world still sailing traditionally.

The ship traded hands after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945 and was renamed to Sedov after the Russian naval officer and polar explorer Sedov (Russian: Георгий Яковлевич Седов, Georgi Yakovlevich Sedov, spelled Georgi Jakowlewitsch Sedow in German). Since 1991 she is owned by the Technical University of Murmansk, and is used as a training vessel for navy officers, and a museum.

MintB. H. Mayer Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 100
Rwanda / Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov - obverse photo

Within a plain rim, the obverse of the coin features the Coat of Arms of Rwanda. At its centre is a traditional basket, surrounded by the central tribal devices: a stem of sorghum on the left, and a branch of a coffee tree on the right, surmounted on a cog wheel with the sun with its rays above. These are protected by two typical Rwandan shields, one on the right and one on the left. The design is encircled by a rope, tied below in a square knot.

On a ribbon above, REPUBULIKA Y'U RWANDA (Republic of Rwanda); on a ribbon below, the motto UBUMWE · UMURIMO · GUKUNDA IGIHUGU (Unity, Work, Patriotism in Kinyarwanda - the official Rwandan language).

Around above, the name of the issuing authority: BANKI NKURU Y'U RWANDA (National Bank of Rwanda; in French: Banque Nationale du Rwanda; abbreviated as BNR).

Around below, the face value AMAFARANGA 100 IJANA (100 FRW - one hundred Rwandan Francs).

Rwanda / Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov - reverse photo

The reverse design depicts the Sedov at full sail.

Above right, a compass rose (sometimes called a "wind rose") showing the main directions, with "rhumb lines" radiating from it into the background of the design. In an oval above the ship, encircled by a rope, navigational instruments of the time: spyglass, compass and sextant.

On the waves below, the name of the ship: Sedov.

Around left, the name of the coin series: NAUTICAL OUNCE.

Around above right, the date of issue 2021. Around below right, facing outward, the precious metal content: 1 oz FINE GOLD 999 (one troy ounce of 99.9% gold).

Reverse Inscription NAUTICAL OUNCE 2021 1 oz FINE GOLD 999 Sedov
EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone

Finish: bullion (Brilliant Uncirculated).
Packaging: in plastic capsule and leatherette pouch, with a Certificate of Authenticity branded with BNR (National Bank of Rwanda).

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Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov: Details
CurrencyRwandan Franc
Coin TypeGold Ounce (1 oz), Bullion
SymbolCoat of Arms of Rwanda
Face Value100 (x Franc)
Total Mintage100
Material0.999 Gold
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size40.0000 mm
Thickness2.000 mm
Mass31.1000 g
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Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov: Photos
Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov: Photo 2021 Rwanda 1 oz Gold Nautical Ounce Sedov BU / thumbnail 2021 Rwanda 1 oz Gold Nautical Ounce Sedov BU
Copyright: APMEX
Gold Ounce 2021 Nautical Ounce - Sedov: Photo 2021 Rwanda 1 oz Gold Nautical Ounce Sedov BU / thumbnail 2021 Rwanda 1 oz Gold Nautical Ounce Sedov BU
Copyright: APMEX
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