One Rand Gold 1967, Coin from South Africa - detailed information

One Rand Gold 1967, Coin from South Africa
CoinOne Rand Gold 1967

The South African gold One Rand coin (abbreviated as R 1) is a bullion coin of the Rand currency. It was introduced when the currency was decimalised in 1961 and replaced the earlier pre-decimal pound coin, retaining its design, dimensions and metal content.

All the coins of the First Decimal Series initially had the same size and specifications as the former South African pre-decimal coins they replaced. Apart from the regular circulating coins, two bullion types with denominations of 1 Rand and 2 rand were also issued, replacing respectively the South Afircan gold half-pound and pound coins introduced in 1952. Both the pound and the rand gold coins matched the specifications of the British half-sovereign and sovereign - minted, among others, at the Royal Mint branch mint in Pretoria (now the South African Mint) until 1932. The gold alloy, known as "crown gold", with a fineness of 22 carat (91.67% gold, 8.33% copper) has remained unchanged since 1526; it is appreciably less prone to wear than the softer 23 kt gold of earlier gold sovereigns.

The reverse of the gold rand coins features the well-known springbok illustration designed by Coert Steynberg for the 5-shilling coin introduced in 1948, and also used on the silver 50 cents coins.

In 1965, regular circulating R1 coins were introduced in parallel, initially silver then base metal. The gold One Rand denomination was issued until 1983 and was then discontinued in favour of the Krugerrand bullion coin series. The coins have not been demonetised though and are still legal tender; however, their intrinsic bullion value is much higher than their face value.

MintSouth African Mint Mint MarkNo mint mark Total Mintage 21,000
South Africa / One Rand Gold 1967 - obverse photo

The obverse features the portrait of Johan Anthoniszoon van Riebeeck, known as Jan van Riebeeck (1619-1677), Dutch colonial administrator and founder of Cape Town and considered by many people to be the founding father of the South African nation. The designer's initials WM (for Willie Myburg) are incuse on the shoulder truncation.

Around left, the motto UNITY IS STRENGTH in English; separated from that by two decorative rosettes, around right the same in Afrikaans: EENDRAG MAAK MAG.


The reverse shows at its centre a Springbok antelope, the national animal symbol of South Africa.

The designer's initials CLS (for Coert Laurens Steynberg) are in the right field between the letters IC of AFRICA and the ground under the Springbok.

Above, the date of issue: + 1967 +.

Around left and around right, respectively the legend SOUTH AFRICA in English and SUID-AFRIKA in Afrikaans.

Around below, flanked by two rosettes, the face value and denomination * 1 R * (One Rand).

This design was initially used on the pre-decimal five shillings, half pound and one pound coins; it is now displayed on the iconic Krugerrand bullion coin series.

Reverse Inscription SOUTH AFRICA + 1967 + SUID-AFRIKA * 1 R *
EdgeMilledEdge InscriptionNone
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One Rand Gold 1967: Known varieties
Variety Proof
Mintage Issued: 11,000 (included in total)
All (23) coins of type: One Rand, Gold
Coin NameMintagePortraitLegend
One Rand Gold 1961 9,178 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1962 6,299 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1963 6,531 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1964 9,866 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1965 16,024 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1966 21,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1967 21,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1968 21,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1969 18,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1970 17,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1971 17,650 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1972 17,500 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1973 27,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1974 40,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1975 30,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1976 33,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1977 47,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1978 32,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1979 34,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1980 32,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1981 19,274 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1982 14,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
One Rand Gold 1983 15,000 Jan van Riebeeck (facing) UNITY IS STRENGTH * EENDRAG MAAK MAG *
Royal Mint
Royal Mint
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One Rand Gold 1967: Details
CountrySouth Africa
Coin TypeOne Rand, Gold
PortraitJan van Riebeeck (facing)
Face Value1 (x Rand)
Circulation Mintage10,000
Total Mintage21,000
Material0.917 Gold
DesignerCoert Laurens Steynberg, Willie Myburg
TechnologyMilled (machine-made)
OrientationMedal Alignment (Axis 0)
Size19.5000 mm
Thickness1.1000 mm
Mass3.9900 g
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One Rand Gold 1967: Catalogue Reference IDs